R. Trent Codd, III, Ed.S.
T. V. Joe Layng, Paul Thomas Andronis, R. Trent Codd, III, Awab Abdel-Jalil (2021). Nonlinear Contingency Analysis: Going Beyond Cognition and Behavior in Clinical Practice. Routledge: New York, NY.
R. Trent Codd, III, Ed.S.
Sudak, D., Codd, III, R.T., Sokol, L., Gittes-Fox, M., Reiser, R., Ludgate, J. & Milne, D. (2015). Teaching and Supervising Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Wiley: Hoboken, NJ. Note: Contains extensive multimedia content.
John Ludgate, PhD
Aaron McGinley, LCMHC
R. Trent Codd, III, Ed.S.
Waltman, S., Codd, III, R.T., McFarr, L., Moore, B. (2021). Socratic Questioning for Therapists and Counselors – Learn How to Think and Intervene Like a Cognitive Behavior Therapist. Routledge: New York, NY.
John Ludgate, PhD
R. Trent Codd, III, Ed.S.
Tirch, D, Silberstein, L., Codd, III, R.T., Brock, M & Wright, J. (2019). Experiencing ACT from the inside out: A self-practice/self-reflection workbook for therapists. Guilford Press.
Aaron McGinley, LCMHC
R. Trent Codd, III, Ed.S.
Codd, III, R.T. (Ed). (2018). Practice-based research: A guide for clinicians. Routledge: New York, NY.
John Ludgate, PhD
Aaron McGinley, LCMHC
Peer-reviewed publications (Selected)
R. Trent Codd, III, Ed.S.
- Codd, III R. T., Robertson, D. (2019). Stoic Philosophy as a Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. »
- Drake, C., Codd, III, R.T., & Terry, C. M. (2018). Assessing the Predictive Validity of Implicit and Explicit Stigma among Mental Health Practitioners toward Clients with Substance Use Disorders. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 8, 44-54. »
- Luoma, J.B., Codd, III, R.T., & Lynch, T.R. (2018). Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO DBT): Shared Features and Differences with ACT, DBT, and CFT. the Behavior Therapist, 41(3) 142-149. »
- Codd, III, R.T. & Craighead, L.W. (2018). New Thinking about Old Ideas: Introduction to special issue on Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy. the Behavior Therapist, 41 (3) 109-114. »
- Codd, III, R.T. (2018). Pseudoscience in mental health treatment: What remedies are available? the Behavior Therapist, 41 (1) 1-3. »
- Codd, III, R.T. (2017). Protecting the Scientific Lexical Canon. the Behavior Therapist, 40, (5) 185-191. »
- Codd, III, R.T. (2016). How to develop a robust practice-based research repertoire. the Behavior Therapist, 39, (4) 118-120. »
- Vilardaga, R. & Codd, III, R.T. (2015). Perspectives on the nature of being, becoming and reality from contextual behavioral science. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4 (4) 213–215.
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212144715000356 »
- Codd, III, R.T., (2015). The Functional Contextual a-ontological stance and Bas C. van Fraasen’s Constructive Empiricism. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4 (4) 215-220. »
- Codd, III, R. T., Twohig, M. P., Crosby, J. M. & Enno, A. M. (2011). Treatment of three anxiety cases with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in a private practice. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 25, (3) 203–217. »
- Codd III, R.T., & Cohen, B.N. (2003). Predicting college student intention to seek help for alcohol abuse. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 22 (2) 169–192. »
- Michels, P., Johnson, N.P., Codd, III, R.T., & Mallin, R. (1998). Childhood problems of alcoholic women. Journal of Health and Social Policy, 10, (2) 15–26. »
Book Chapters/Encyclopedia Entries
- Sudak, D. & Codd, III, R.T. (in press). Training evidence-based practitioners: Recommendations for the improvement of instructional design and delivery. In Evidence-Based Practice in Action. (Ed.). Dimidjian, S. Guilford Press.
- Codd, III, R.T. (2017). Covert Sensitization. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology.
- Codd, III, R.T. (2017). Functional Behavior Assessment. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology.
- Codd, III, R.T. (2017). Functional Analysis. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology.
- Codd, III, R.T. (2017). Applied Behavior Analysis. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology.
- Codd, III, R.T. (2014). Fatal Crash Scene Investigation. In Freeman, S.M., Moore, B.A., Miller, L. & Freeman, A. Behind the badge: A psychological treatment handbook for law enforcement officers. Routledge.
- Codd, III, R.T. & Hayes, S.C. (2008). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. In Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development. (Eds.) Goldstein, S. & Naglieri, J. New York, NY: Springer.
- Codd, III, R.T. (2008). Psychotherapist. In Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development. (Eds.) Goldstein, S. & Naglieri, J. New York, NY: Springer.
Codd, III, R.T. & Twohig, M. (2008). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. In Encyclopedia of - Child Behavior and Development. (Eds.) Goldstein, S. & Naglieri, J. New York, NY: Springer.
- Visser, P. & Codd, III, R.T. (2008). Beck Depression Inventory. In Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development. (Eds.) Goldstein, S. & Naglieri, J. New York, NY: Springer.
- Codd, III, R.T. (2006). “Destructive Trends in Mental Health: The Well-Intentioned Path to Harm.” Research on Social Work Practice, 16 (2) 235–236.
- Codd, III, R.T. & Sudak, D.M. (2016). Three keys to more effective CBT education. Advances in Cognitive Therapy, 16 (1) 4–10.